Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 30: life after Lindsay

So i have skipped the last recovery day Lindsay and i have shared together and the day that we parted ways because there is a lot that i want to say about that and i would like not to be exhausted when i so so.

I finished yesterday with a 112 mile day, and put in 106 today, and it was an extremely tough 106 miles mentally and physically, with headwinds the entire way with 14 mph wind from SSE, with 21 mph gusts for the last 46 miles, and i put so much effort to get through them that i have very little left to blog and my eyes are shutting (it is widely known at this point how much o spite headwinds) Naturally, i missed the tailwind season in kansas, and now the wind tends to blow from the north or the south.  I went into a store today and in my attempt all if the wind would die down without sounding ignorant, i stuttered for a second, and then came right out with it: "will this wind end?" The cashier the her head back and laughed, and said "This is Kansas, honey, the wind never stops.  This is nothing." Not the answer i was looking for...  I have met some wonderful people here.

I have to go to bed, but i will make up for this lack of blogs, but it has been an enormous period of transition for both Lindsay and i, we are both trying to find our feet.  Thank you all for the support and for reaching out to us. it is forecasted to have have 20 mph winds tomorrow, with gusts, so i imagine i will take a shorter distance tomorrow and will be able to blog a four for one special.  A lot of crazy things happened getting chased by a dog for the first time and battling a dust tornado.  I will explain in full tomorrow.

Life on the road solo has been difficult, but it doesn't help that there is a drought and absolutely no green.. Just field forever.  Very little wildlife, but some beef farm that are somewhat disturbing.  I'm excited for Missouri so i can be back with the mountains, the trees, the wildlife.  I miss Lindsay like crazy, and i know she wishes she could be here... I.can't wait to see her in Rochester but she will be here in spirit and i bug her all the time and as i have said, she will very much remain to be part of the journey.

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